Independence Day has come and gone, and the summer is rushing toward fall. No teenager likes to think about summer as being half over, but the time to prepare for another academic year is getting closer and closer. Parents understand that it’s time to start evaluating school supplies, outfits, and shoes to see what need things they need to look for when the back-to-school sales hit. This is also the time to deal with lingering issues like your teen’s bunion pain—before the chaos of the end of the summer and the start of school. After all, adolescent bunions don’t improve without treatment, though they can get worse.

Fortunately, teen bunion pain can be managed conservatively. Reducing the pressure on the forefoot, controlling the abnormal motion, and supporting the unusually mobile big toe joint prevents the problem from getting worse while alleviating pain. Here are some easy ways to help your son or daughter with this:

  • Choose Shoes Wisely – Encourage your teen to choose footwear that has low heels and a wide, roomy toe box that won’t put pressure on the forefoot.

  • Consider Orthotics – Your teen might need custom orthotics that can control the abnormal foot motion that contributed to the adolescent bunion.

  • Pad the Bump – Help your son or daughter put gel or moleskin pads between the bump and the sides of shoes to reduce pressure and friction there.

  • Ice the Pain – Have your teen apply an ice pack to his or her foot when it hurts. This discourages uncomfortable swelling and inflammation in the bulging joint.

  • Adjust Exercises – Your teen shouldn’t give up being active, but hard-impact exercising might contribute to pain. Encourage your teen to make the most of low-impact options, like swimming and biking.

These are simple ways to slow the progression of the deformity as well as relieve any teen bunion pain. Don’t let your teenager put off dealing with foot discomfort this summer. If your adolescent is struggling with a stubborn bunion problem, let our team at Absolute Foot Care Specialists help. We’ll figure out what treatments are best for your child’s unique feet and situation. Just call (702) 839-2010 to make an appointment today. You can also use our online form.

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